• Honnertzwanzeg Sekonnen

    This page is currently only available in French.

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  • Honnertzwanzeg Sekonnen

    This page is currently only available in French.

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  • Valorlux simplifies sorting

    As of now you can collect additional types of plastic packaging waste in your blue bag!

    In addition to plastic bottles and containers, metal packaging and beverage cartons: plastic pots, cups, trays, films and bags

    also go in the blue bag!

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  • Eco-bag and Superbag® - Use them again and again!

    Valorlux, la Confédération luxembourgeoise du commerce (clc) et l’Administration de l’environnement lancent une nouvelle campagne de sensibilisation pour inciter les consommateurs à utiliser et à réutiliser leurs sacs de courses réutilisables Éco-sac et Superbag®.

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  • Valorlux – Be the change - Relever les défis en faveur de l’environnement

    Pour ses 25 ans d’existence, l’association sans but lucratif (ASBL) Valorlux se dote d’une nouvelle identité visuelle accompagnée d’un message appelant à relever les défis en faveur de l’environnement : BE THE CHANGE.

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    Discover how a PET bottle is recycled into a new bottle, thanks to the collection and sorting of packaging in the blue Valorlux bag!

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  • Prevention of packaging waste

    The prevention of packaging waste is the first antidote to the continuing growth of household waste. Its effectiveness depends on the design of the packaging (weight, volume, material, recyclability, etc.) and the public spirit of the consumer in his purchases. In Luxembourg, since 2004, the Eco bag project led by Valorlux, in collaboration with the clc and the Environmental Administration and leading retailers, has made it possible to limit the use of single-use bags by promoting the use of reusable bags to preserve our natural resources.   TIPS FOR REDUCING PACKAGING WASTE   From producer to consumer, everyone plays a role in the life cycle of packaging. In general, we must ensure that we:   Avoid unnecessary packaging Limit the proliferation of new packaging to the necessary minimum Encourage the use of packaging that is easy to collect, sort and recycle Encourage the use of refillable packaging which is more environmentally friendly Reduce the amount of materials and substances used in packaging by reducing their weight Prioritise reusable packaging Encourage citizens to sort their packaging waste so that they can be recycled properly

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